Are You Taking Responsibility For Your Health?

Getting fit and healthy is a personal responsibility - agreed?

It may be easy to blame the spouse or your bestie, but what it comes down to is personal responsibility. We can't expect others to have the same health goals or live your fitness plan. That belongs to you.

Do it For You

My hubby and I have an expectation of a couple workout before work. The alarm goes off but it's easier for me to get up without hitting the snooze. I'm an early morning person and he loves to sleep in a bit.

My reason for sharing this is sometimes our couple workouts are hit or miss. Do I forget my workout because he wants to sleep for a few more minutes? No, I get my coffee and go it alone.

The point is I am responsible for my health and that includes workouts and nutrition. It's up to me to take care of this body. I do it for me. Being fit and healthy makes me a better person, wife, mother, and grandmother.

Are you getting healthy for you or do you forget it based on others?

Individual Goals

I cherish my husband and know his best energy is in the afternoon and evening. That man can get his sweat on at 10pm but definitely not me. So, while I sit and watch a show, he is often getting in his workout. 

Healthy relationships see and accept the differences in each other as individuals. That means our goals will not be the same most of the time. My goal certainly is not working out late at night. 

What matters most is taking care of your health for you and that always benefits a relationship.  

Stop the Blame Game

I will not blame my husband for not working out, eating unhealthy, being unhappy, or anything related to not getting fit. Would any of that be his fault? Of course not.

I have seen many couples get wrapped up in the blame game. Are you using some of these excuses to not take personal responsibility:

  • Unhealthy snacks and candy are being brought into the house. 
  • My spouse is always cooking unhealthy food.  
  • He/she is not working out with me. 
  • He/she is always watching TV or playing video games.
  • My spouse is never active.
  • I am being sabotaged.

Time to stop the blame game. Being active and eating healthy is a personal choice and responsibility. So what if your spouse wants to veg all day eating candy bars. Does that mean you take the same path? 

Your Health - Your Body - Your Journey

We are all born as individuals responsible for our body. You may be in a relationship but that doesn't excuse you from using your brain to make healthy choices.

You choose to be healthy regardless of who you're with. I believe in taking care of this body for me, my life, and for this life. 

The best part is my husband tells me that I motivate him. He admires the woman that I am because of how I love and take care of myself.

Both people can benefit from living healthy, eating healthy, and being active as individuals. 

This means I never depend on that morning couple workout because getting fit and staying healthy is up to me.

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